Jonas Software - Richard Clancy

Richard Clancy

Portfolio Manager, Jonas UK & Europe

Richard’s vertical market software career began over 18 years ago during which he has progressed to Portfolio Manager within Jonas Software, where he spends his time managing and building multiple brands within the Jonas Software UK Group. He currently oversees the Education and Retail brands within the UK, however Richard is also responsible for acquisition activity into new and existing sectors. His extensive knowledge of vertical market software solutions through his various positions within Jonas, give him a meticulous knowledge on the industry, the group and the services they provide.
Richard joined Jonas via the Gladstone MRM acquisition where he was the Professional Services Manager, working within their leisure management software. Since then, his experience has allowed him to gain knowledge within many different brands and sectors within Jonas.
Before joining Jonas, Richard worked in sales and marketing within the leisure, attractions and telecommunications sectors. Richard’s philosophy lies in developing his employees, providing them with new opportunities, thus giving them room to grow and flourish. His attitude to his colleagues and team spirit has led to the incredible growth within many of the Jonas UK businesses.
In his spare time, Richard enjoys spending time with his young family and playing the occasional round of golf.