
iPayimpact available on Scotland Excel


CRB Cunninghams are pleased to announce our status as a supplier on this important new Framework, making it easier for the public sector to find suppliers across Scotland.

Scotland Excel is the Centre of Procurement Expertise for the local government sector in Scotland.  Collaborating with members and suppliers across Scotland to raise procurement standards, secure best value for customers and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector procurement.

Scotland Excel is a collaborative organisation acting on behalf of all 32 Scottish local authorities, with approximately 682,000 pupils attending Scotland’s 3,000 state primary and secondary schools.

The Scotland Excel framework for an online system capable of managing school payments is helping to recognise the ambitions of the Scottish Government’s Digital Future Strategy published in 2012.

iPayimpact is a web based service for schools, enabling parents to make secure online payments by credit and debit cards using the Councils existing gateway or via our own integrated gateway.

The solution is used to collect and reconcile income for a variety of items including school meals, clubs, trips, extra-curricular activities and much more.

iPayimpact will help manage Universal Free School Meals for P1 to P3, with bespoke reports designed for the initiative in Scottish schools.

David Swanston, Managing Director of CRB Cunninghams, expresses his delight with this achievement:

“As a new product on the market, we are overjoyed with the announcement that iPayimpact has been named as an online payment solution for the education market.”

“Having gone through a rigorous selection process before being awarded a place on the framework, the comprehensive criteria we were required to meet ensures Scottish schools will get the very best value from an innovative, tried and tested system which excels against the more mature products in the market place.”

“By reducing or even removing cash from schools, iPayimpact will save valuable time for school staff, whilst offering parents peace of mind. Our projects in other authorities have also delivered significant efficiency savings.”

David added: “We’re the safe pair of hands trusted by nearly 2,600 schools across 120 local authorities. By combining our significant experience in the education market, an unrivalled breadth in product knowledge, and with 29 out of the 32 Local authorities in Scotland already partnering with CRB Cunninghams, we’re looking forward to helping many more schools in Scotland reduce their transaction processing costs by a significant margin.”